The psychodynamic theory started as psychoanalysis when Sigmund Freud was looking for a way to not only create treatments for mentally ill people but also understand human behaviour. Since then, there have been many theories, ideas, and approaches to treatments, and the psychodynamic approach became an umbrella term for many theories.
Most of those theories share similarities and approaches that make them fall under the psychodynamic umbrella. In this blog post, we will cover the most important terms so you can understand psychodynamic theory a little better.
Developmental Perspective
The psychodynamic theory focuses greatly on your early childhood experiences. Most psychodynamic therapists think you learn how life and relationships work in your early childhood and you carry this knowledge and apply it unconsciously through the rest of your life.
However, it is wrong to assume every psychodynamic therapist will have you talking about your parents for the whole duration of the therapy. Plus there are therapists like Erik Erikson who place more emphasis on the whole duration of your life and the development of your personality than just your childhood.
Transference in Psychodynamic Theory
Transference implies that your past relationships and experiences influence your current relationships and perceptions. It is important because, with the help of a therapist, you can learn a new way to approach relationships.
Psychodynamic Theory Emphasizes Unconsciousness
Actually, the main focus of psychodynamic therapy is to shed light on the unconscious part of your mind. It is there where the memories and feelings too painful to process are held. These painful experiences were pushed to your unconsciousness by your defence mechanisms to protect you.
However, as you grow, the defence mechanisms and the unprocessed experiences can do you more harm than good. Psychodynamic theory has many creative techniques to draw the unconsciousness out and help you process your emotions.
Person-Oriented Perspective
The psychodynamic theory emphasises the need to focus on the person as a whole and change their whole personality rather than just one presenting problem. This means the approach is much deeper and digs into suppressed feelings and emotions.
However, this also means, therapy sessions can be long and there isn’t a straight line leading to you feeling better. After some sessions, you might progress and feel better, and after others, you might feel like there is no point in anything. But if you persevere, your psyche will help you heal your old wounds. You just have to allow it.
Are You Looking for Psychodynamic Therapy?
With this blog post, you have learned four main points that make different theories and approaches fall under the psychodynamic theory umbrella. Psychodynamic therapy can help you tap into your unconsciousness, reveal the emotional issues your mind locked away, and heal the old wounds.
If you think psychodynamic therapy is something that could help you, or you are not sure and you are looking for advice, you can always contact call me on 086 3835910 and I will do my best to help you.